Resources to Other Related Experts Such as False Confessions, Prison Life, etc

Do you need experts in certain, very technical areas to assist in your defense plans?  We have a list of outside resources we have available that can help you out.

  • Do you need an expert in Los Angeles gangs?  We have one.
  • Do you need an expert to testify as to the difference in treatment of death row inmates vs. those serving a life sentence?  We have one.
  • Do you need an expert to test your client as to the likelihood the client gave a false confession?  We have one.
  • Do you need someone to testify as to blood alcohol concentrations?  We have one.
  • Do you need a neuropsychologist who can testify to neurological deficits?  We have one.

As we develop mitigation evidence, it opens new doors we may suggest you pursue.  We have professional contacts in many areas that can help our case.